We Can Provide The New Equipment You Need
Michigan Air Compressor Technologies in Bay City, Michigan has been providing the best in air compressor brands since 2006.  Our goal is to offer a variety of models to suit many types of customers.  Each tool used in a specific operation has a CFM requirement, and every air compressor has a maximum cfm output.

There are many factors to consider when choosing the right air compressor, such as:

  • The CFM requirement of the tool being used
  • The length of time the tool is used (every few minutes, for example, compared to 25-30 minutes at a time)
  • The number of users working from a single compressor
  • The PSI range for a particular model (as it relates to the PSI requirement of the tool/operation)
  • Current CFM requirements versus potential future needs

Wide Variety of Industries & Applications
Our experience & knowledge will help you choose the right brand/model for your operation.  We can serve the needs of someone with a garage-based hobby all the way to industrial applications.  A few of the industries we serve are Automotive, Chemical, Electronics, Food & Beverage, Manufacturing, Trucking, Pneumatic Tools, and Hobbies. 

We carry the best of the best in brand names because we believe in offering the highest rated models & parts.  Here are some of the more recognizable brand names we offer:

  • Ingersoll Rand™
  • Sullivan-Palatek™
  • Saylor-Beall™
  • FS-Curtis™
  • Aircel™
  • Kaeser™

Contact MAC Technologies today to allow us to ask the right questions to find the model perfect for your needs.  We are ready to assist you in finding the right air compressor, and providing the best in service & maintenance after the sale!




FS Curtis 2hp GarageMate Compressor on 30 gallon Vertical Tank with Wheels. 115160

FS Curtis 2hp Electric Wheelbarrow style Compressor Single Stage 115V-5.5cfm at 90 psig

Saylor Beal Air Compressor

Saylor Beal

Next Generation R Series 30-37kW, Oil Flooded Rotary Screw Compressors

Next Generation-R-Series 200-250, Oil Flooded Rotary Screw Compressors

2-HP-90-PSI, 5.7 cfm 30 gallon garagemate


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